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Cultural Activities

Immersive and family-friendly digital planetarium

For Experiencing Astronomy as a Family!

A digital planetarium to enjoy and learn as a family. We come to your space and set it up for a day or more.
OUR goal is to provide an immersive learning experience, especially as a family!
WHY AS A FAMILY? Because when we do the activity with mom or dad, we can keep talking about what we saw afterward, explain it to other family members, and continue the learning journey. We can go together to the library, pick up a book about space, enjoy the sky live, and admire the Moon and the stars... turning the planetarium into a starting point for knowledge.

Different sessions for every age group!

1- Viatgers de l'Espai

2- Explore the moon with us

3- L'Aventura del Hubble: El Telescopi que necessitava Ulleres!

Amb el nostre amic Hubble, viatjarem a l'espai per muntar i reparar el telescopi, tal com ho van fer els astronautes fa 30 anys. Descobrirem com funciona i com ens ajuda a veure les estrelles!

4- Planetaris tematitzats

Cada època de l'any té el seu Cel.

Us proposem uns planetaris tematitztats per poder programar el Planetari familiar al llarg de tot un anys.

El Cel de Nadal 

El Cel de l'hivern

El Cel de la Primavera

El cel de l'Estiu

El Cel de la Tardor


5- Aventurers del fons marí

Conte educatiu immersiu que ens endinsa en un viatge al
fons del mar per descobrir la increïble bellesa dels
nostres oceans i els seus habitants.

6- La Goteta Anna

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