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Cultural Activities

Planetarium for teenagers

The planetarium for teenagers is an immersive and captivating experience that connects them directly with the universe.

"Discover what it would be like to travel through the solar system or explore distant galaxies. Dive into unique topics and choose those that inspire you and that you want to explore!"

It's not just about watching; you will also be able to ask questions, investigate, and even decide where we travel in the universe. "The space is yours to explore!"

A wide variety of sessions adapting content and spectacular elements according to needs. Some of the sessions we have tailored for different events.

1-How to navigate without cell phone

How to navigate without cell phone

2-Univers en Femení: Les Dones que Van Il·luminar l’Espai

A la sessió “Dones i l’Espai” descobrirem les grans aportacions de dones a l'astronomia. Viatjarem per la Via Làctia amb Henrietta Leavitt, observarem els estels amb Cecilia Payne, i parlarem dels cometes mentre recordem Maria Winkelmann. Una experiència única per conèixer l’univers a través dels seus descobriments.

3-Misteris del Sistema Solar i Univers profund

4-Other Sessions

A wide variety of sessions adapting content and spectacularity according to the event. Some of the sessions we have adapted to different events.


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